github sycamore-rs/sycamore 0.3.0
✨ 0.3.0

latest releases: 0.9.1, 0.9.0, 0.9.0-beta.4...
3 years ago


  • ⚡️ Features

    • Nested effects. Inner effects are destroyed and recreated when outer effects re-run [[@lukechu10], #29]
    • cloned! macro for making it easier to clone items into a new scope [[@lukechu10], #34]
    • Effects are created inside a reactivity root (using create_root). When the root Owner is dropped, all effects are also destroyed [[@lukechu10], 37]
    • Nested templates. Using this, it is also possible to build simple if/else control flow although there will be a more polished version [[@lukechu10], #41]
  • 🛠 Fixes

  • 🛠 Internal Fixes and Improvements


    • Replaced create_signal with Signal::new(...) and return Signal instead of getter/setter functions for increased type safety [[@Kestrer], #20]
  • 📢 Announcements

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