github swsnr/mdcat mdcat-1.1.0

latest releases: mdcat-2.1.2, mdcat-2.1.1, mdcat-2.1.0...
15 months ago


  • Update all dependencies.
    This removes a transitive dependency on a vulnerable version of remove_dir_all, see GHSA-mc8h-8q98-g5hr.
  • No longer sniff mime type from contents to identify SVG images.
    Instead rely on the Content-Type header for HTTP(S) images and the file extension for local resources (see GH-239).
  • Render SVG images using the pure Rust resvg crate instead of rsvg-convert; mdcat no longer requires the latter tool at runtime (see GH-240).


  • Use less -r instead of less -R in mdless if both $PAGER and $MDCAT_PAGER are unset (see GH-238).
  • Time out external resources if no data was read for 100ms. Previously mdcat waited for 1s before timing out (see GH-241).

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