github swiftDialog/swiftDialog v2.3.2
swiftDialog v2.3.2

latest releases: v2.5.0rc2, v2.5.0rc1, v2.5.0b3...
9 months ago
  • All error reporting and output is now sent to stderr instead of stdout so genuine results output is not polluted with any unrelated error or warning messages.
    • /usr/local/bin/dialog has cleaner error handling
    • General error and log handling has been updated to print error and debug output to stderr
  • Command file processing changes:
    • Added a check of launch time which is compared against command file modification date. If the command file is older, existing commands stored within will not be processed. Fixes any issues resulting from commands from previous dialogs (like quit:) influencing future dialogs.
    • Command file processing is now less dependent on ownership or permissions. As long as the file is readable by the process running swiftDialog (usually as the console user). Errors in this department also provide more detail and output to stderr and should only occur if the file is not readable.
  • button1 respects button1disabled if centred
  • progress text will populate if updated by command file if dialog was launched with no progress text visible initially
  • isDNDEnabled() refactored to work under macOS 12+ (thanks @ryangball). Currently not used but a future release will have some implementation that respects user preferences for Focus modes (i.e. "do not disturb") in some form.

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