github swiftDialog/swiftDialog v1.7.2
Dialog v1.7.2

latest releases: v2.5.0, v2.5.0rc2, v2.5.0rc1...
2 years ago

New Features

Window Position

Window position can be specified around the 8 cardinal positions on the screen or in the centre (default)

--position [topleft | left | bottomleft | top | center/centre | bottom | topright | right | bottomright]

Background images


Images can be displayed in the background as part of the main dialog window which can be used to imprint a watermark or other image behind the regular dialog content.

Backgrounds can be controlled with the following controls:


-bg, --background <file | url>  

Displays the selected file as a background image. If the image is larger than the default dialog size (820x380) and no window size options are given (specifically window height), the dialog window height will be adjusted so the image fills the entire window width, 820 by default or if specified using --width


-ba, --bgalpha <number>

Sets the alpha or transparency of the background layer. Can be any number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). Default value is 0.5


-bp, --bgposition [topleft | left | bottomleft | top | center/centre | bottom | topright | right | bottomright]            

Positions the background image in the window. Works best if the image dimensions are smaller than the main dialog window. Default position is centre


-bf, --bgfill [fill | fit]

Tells dialog how to display the image within the window frame

fill resizes the image to fill the entire window. Image will be truncated if necessary
fit resizes the image to fit the window but will not truncate which may result in letterboxing of non transparent areas (if using a PNG image source)

Default is none which will display the image at the actual image resolution

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