github swanandx/lemmeknow v0.6.0

latest releases: v0.8.0, v0.7.0
2 years ago

What's new?

first_match() to get the first identification - docs

let identifier = lemmeknow::Identifier::default();
let some_result = identifier.first_match("8888888888");
let not_gonna_find = identifier.first_match("a friend for swanandx");
assert_eq!(some_result.unwrap(), "Phone Number");

what else? well actually, we got old stuff back!

Breaking Changes

  • Identify is now Identifier ( makes more sense ).
  • min_rarity and max_rarity are now f32 instead of Option<f32> ( let me know if Option was better )

Bug Fix for API users: We used to call build_regexes inside identify, which kept building regexes everytime we call identify making it slow. Instead of this, now regexes are built and stored in lazy static. Which means they are compiled only when first accessed.

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