github swaggyP36000/TrollStore-IPAs 03-11-2024
03-11-2024 - New Apps & Updates

latest releases: 06-25-2024, 06-24-2024, 06-23-2024...
3 months ago


  • Carrot Weather - App base version update to v5.12.12
  • InstaRocketCracked - Rocket update to v3.8.22, Instagram base version still to v320.0.2
  • LocSim - Base version update to v1.4.1k
  • Snapchat iota - Snapchat base version update to v12.76.1. iota tweak updated to v5.3.1 : Changelog
    • (5.3.0)
      Full support up to Snapchat v12.78.0 (TestFlight).
      Updated Bulbasaur ghost theme (thanks @/JIREX).
      Updated support for latest Crane version.
      Improved half-swipe banners by linking Bitmojis to the right people, preventing any mix-ups.
      Fine-tuned the media saving feature to better categorize and store media when saving to folder.
      Updated the QR code export to use a share sheet instead of saving directly to camera roll.
      Added a feature to customize the ring light color.
      Introduced an option to hide 'like' and 'share' buttons on Discover stories.
      Removed the feature to hide friend suggestions, as it wasn't working well with recent Snapchat updates.
      Fixed upload bug when uploading a video that is less than 10 seconds.
      Resolved an interface bug causing the upload button to be displaced when Snapchat resumes from background status.
      Properly fixed screenshot/screen record suppression for all iOS versions.
      Changed the PTR Ghost background to pink, aligning with iota's color scheme.
      Moved Hide Discover and PTR Ghost theming options back to UI Options menu.
    • (5.3.1)
      Fixed bug to properly categorize saved media when saving media to folder when the "Native UI Buttons" option is toggled on.

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