github swaggyP36000/TrollStore-IPAs 01-29-2023
01-29-2023 - New Apps & Updates

latest releases: 09-14-2024, 09-13-2024, 09-12-2024...
23 months ago


  • Cowabunga - changelog on dev's GitHub
  • TrollBox - changelog on dev's GitHub
  • WDBFontOverwrite - Added a button to clear the keyboard cache. Use this after applying keyboard fonts.
  • iPoGo - a lot of changes for the new base version of Pokemon Go
  • AppStorePlusPlus - ability to download AppStore++ updates to install in TrollStore
  • Anonycord - working version! Just a black screen with a single hidden button. Play around with it until you find where the button is for you. More changes on dev's GitHub

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