github sveltejs/language-tools extensions-106.0.0

latest releases: svelte-check-3.8.4, extensions-108.5.4, svelte2tsx-0.7.13...
22 months ago
  • (fix) prevent crash during completions (#1629)
  • (fix) better handling of prettier config files (#1622)
  • (fix) user defined prettier plugins gets overridden by svelte plugin (#1623)
  • (fix) new line before the JSDoc of the first import (#1621)
  • (fix) style directive with multiple values (#1632)
  • (feat) format new text in code action and completion (#1598)


The new transformation is now enabled by default. You can turn it off by setting svelte.plugin.svelte.useNewTransformation to false. The new transformation brings improved intellisense. If you find bugs, please report them. You can also provide feedback at #1352 . After a testing phase, the old transformation will be removed an svelte-check version 3 with only the new transformation will be released. You can use the new transformation with svelte-check now already by running it with the flag --use-new-transformation true

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