github supermerill/SuperSlicer

pre-release6 days ago

merged with PrusaSlicer 2.6 and 2.7, including:

  • organic (tree) support
  • ArcWelder arc fitting
  • New Gcode macros for prusa xl
  • And all others changes.

note: New official website at

new features:


  • gcode viewer color:

    • can set the number of decimals, to increase or decrease the precision.
    • add "object" option, to see what extrusion is linked to each object:
      • so you can know what will be cancelled if you try to cancel an object.
      • so you can know what name or id it has.
      • so you can get the filament weight & length per object.
      • also follow the feature selected/deselected from feature 'tab', so you can have the weight of a part without supports (ie final weight).
    • can restrict min/max to the selected layers.


  • extruder flow calibration: Allow to calibrate extrusion multiplier, overlap, and the extruder’s flow by speed graph. Uses weight instead of appearance to have more precise data (you need to have a good weighting scale).

  • pressure advance calibration tool (by @legend069): Helps you to choose the good pa value.


  • the contextual menu on the object has been shuffled a bit into submenu to not make it too tall.
    • 'add negative part' is in the 'add part' menu
    • 'height range modifier' is in the 'add modifier' menu
  • new sub-part options:
    • Seam cylinder: the seam sphere attract all the seams, the seam cylinder attract the same way but only between its min & max z. Allow to be extra precise on some layers only.
    • brim patch: a brim will be printed in this area. Note: it currently uses its own circular fill pattern but yes, it's still not optimal, as it creates a bit too many travels.
    • brim blocker: forbid any brim in the area.


  • Some options are now as graph type. You can see a white area in the place of the widget. If the graph is set, you should be able to see its shape in blue. Click on it to open the graph edit window. You can move any point with left drag, add or remove point with right click. It's now an updated version, much more user-friendly.
    • overhangs_dynamic_speed and overhangs_dynamic_fan_speed have been converted from PrusaSlicer's 5-settings (20,40,60,80,100%) to graph type.

new settings:

  • now settings can be "disabled" (with a checkbox in front of them). It allow to see clearly if the setting is active, instead of using values like "-1". The conversion process is in progress.


  • perimeter_direction: allow to choose the direction (clockwise?) for contours and holes. It was anti-clockwise for contours and clockwise for holes beforehand.

  • ensure_vertical_shell_thickness

    • still have the 2.5 disabled & activated options (correctly works with anchor margins)
    • add prusaslicer-2.9 partial option (this one break the anchor margin settings).
    • add prusaslicer-2.7 version
    • There are still some interaction issues with solid_over_perimeters, as it can affect the anchor where the perimeters are well above.
  • avoid_crossing_curled_overhangs: from PrusaSlicer 2.7. Currently unused as the gcode writer subroutine is conflicting with current travel. Will be reactivated when the option to avoid travelling over islands will be added next major version.

  • staggered_inner_seams: allow to move a bit the seam in internal perimeters to better hide it, avoiding cascading effect.

  • external_perimeters_first_force: the default behaviour is to print in this sequence: [internal contour; external contour; internal hole, external holes], with external_perimeters_first: [external contours; internal contours; external holes; internal holes] and with this new settings it's [external contours: external holes; internal contours; internal holes], useful if an external hole touch an internal contour and you don't want it.

  • infill_only_where_needed: remove by PrusaSlicer 2.7. Also removed here. If it's something you really find useful and use often, and is better than lightning infill, tell me.

  • internal_bridge_min_width: Allow to select the threshold where the internal bridge collapse to solid infill. To still use normal solid infill where the bridge area is really too narrow.

  • internal_bridge_expansion: to disable the bridge infill growth into sparse infill

  • fill_aligned_z: to align the spacing of sparse infill (default to true), so the pattern still overlap even if the width of the extrusion change.

  • organic (tree) support: this is the PrusaSlicer 2.7 version of it. If you find that the shape and feature are bad, try to use the default setting from a Prusa printer profile (conversion from Bambu/Orca profile can lead to strange shapes).

  • overhangs_dynamic_speed: if activated, then all extrusions that are between 0% overlap (mostly excluded) and the overhangs_width_speed are now tagged as overhangs, and the speed is modified by this graph. This behaviour is problematic, as it tags too many extrusions as overhangs. It will be changed in next major version, with more overhangs adjustments.

  • wipe_tower_extrusion_width: Allow to set the width of the wipe tower's wipe lines (previously hard coded to 1.25*nozzle diameter).

  • first_layer_extrusion_width (& first_layer_extrusion_spacing): like the first layer width but only for infill (like for the speed). If disabled, the first layer extrusion width is used. If this one is also disabled, then the normal extrusion width is used.

  • print_first_layer_bed_temperature and print_bed_temperature: if you're printing with multiple filament, you can set these setting to enforce a specific bed temperature, if choosing "the hottest" isn't the desired behaviour. Current bed temperature can be accessed in custom gcode via the 'gcode_bed_temperature' variable.

  • first_layer_size_compensation_no_collapse: the first layer XY compensation has an algorithm to avoid removing narrow areas. You can disable it with this setting, if it's something you want.


  • arc fitting: can choose between the BambuSlicer algorithm or arcwelder (PrusaSlicer ). I advise arcwelder, it creates a bit more arcs, even if still has issues with perfect circles
  • arc_fitting_resolution: resolution loss when doing arc fitting. It's the max distance between the strait segments and the arc.
  • new wipe options to manage the oozing of your extruder:
    • wipe_min: make sure that the wipe is at least the long (if the last perimeter was very short, it can stop at the end of it and wait for the retraction to finish. With this setting set to 100%, you ensure the wipe is going on at least for the full retraction duration, circling the perimeter multiple times if needed).
    • wipe_lift: lift the extruder at the end of the wipe slowly by this amount. Allow to prevent rubbing too much on the current extrusions.
    • wipe_lift_length: the amount of the wipe used for the lift.


  • filament_pressure_advance: allow to set the pressure advance at each filament change more easily than by custom gcode.
  • filament_fill_top_flow_ratio and filament_first_layer_flow_ratio: allow to have a different extrusion multiplier when extruding these kind of extrusions. I advise to not use them unless you have a very very good reason to.
  • extruder_extrusion_multiplier_speed : allow to add an extrusion multiplier to the extruder in relation to the flow speed, so you can compensate a bit for lower flow at high speed. Use the Extruder flow calibration to calibrate.
  • overhangs_dynamic_fan_speed: like for overhangs_dynamic_speed but for fan speed.

And many little fixes and improvements, like forbidding seam in middle of a thin wall, optimisation for can_cross_perimeter, and many more.

The current beta binaries aren't notarised yet, but I'm working on it. For this release, you'll need to say to your os that you trust the exe, like for the previous releases.

Video about this release

The mac intel version is broken, I work on a fix.

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