github superfly/flyctl v0.1.52

latest releases: v2024.6.1-pr3588.1, v2024.5.31-pr3587.1, v0.2.62...
11 months ago

5e28307 Use loop for getting command name
d5b8982 Fixed specific command name in flaps_call metrics
25b738f Add build tags to debug_*.go
95a621f Remove personal debugging
7cbddf5 Send flaps_call metrics in a goroutine
bd713d7 Fix background task runner, use for metrics
d862dc2 Empty role instead of n/a
f1d437d Status:display machine metadata.role if not empty
3910f31 add dockerfile-based dotnet launcher
dd8545d Require an app name in SSH commands
34d9bbe Handle SIGUSR2 and dump goroutines on the signal

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