github superfly/flyctl v0.1.42

latest releases: v2024.7.5-pr3707.3, v0.2.83, v2024.7.5-pr3708.2...
12 months ago

8a8a51d Avoid crashing when provisioning an extension on an app whose primary region cannot be deduced, for example when using -a oinstead of fly.toml
e0863e6 Show the extension provider Terms of Service link when provisioning
9368aac Remove debugging lines
dcaf63b Fix deploy batching count and add test cases
00f5f52 Use previously existing logic for checking for extension provider ToS agreement
99fd32a Prompt for Terms of Service agreement before provisioning an extension
3e5400c prepend macaroon authorization scheme if missing
371ea9d Add 'flyctl mysql' as a top-level alias of 'flyctl ext planetscale' and expose the alias in help output

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