github superfly/flyctl v0.0.505-pre-1

latest releases: v2024.12.19-pr4133.3, v2024.12.19-pr4133.2, v2024.12.19-pr4133.1...
pre-release20 months ago

8798542 migrate: remove outdated todo
75fdd0a migrate: write fly.toml, so that primary_region gets saved
bbd8763 migrate: move resumeApp to after unlock, logging cleanup
bd1ee23 migrate: attempt to resume suspended app in rollback
cb7c6b9 migrate: use nomad VM's memory size
2987700 migrate: appease CI, remove unnecessary sprintf
20d76ad migrate: unlock the app after rollback, even if rollback fails
9a60e70 migrate: prompt for primary_region if there is none
70e4db3 migrate: determine VM info (memory, cpus, cpu class)
c948b60 migrate: prompt before migrating, --yes to silence
92cdf87 migrate: support --app flag
2507561 use buffered channel
fdf5eb9 migrate: remove machines if migration fails
00ed259 migrate: hook into ctrl+c (sigterm) to ensure valid state
5231142 support the 'detached' platform version
f316ddf migrate: add rollback support
4148ad8 remove unused function stub, make ci happy
6892695 migrate: avoid downtime when possible
b218d1d Fix v2 migrations process group support
2a5814d Use tasknames from old allocs to determine process groups
03fcb9a Fix text block
4303b52 Better output for v2 migrations
ecb4367 migrate: exit if the app is already on machines
4475649 migrate: wait for allocs to be destroyed
69935bb migrate: scale down each process group
4a81198 migrate: prevent error message output during success
5752011 handle double unlocking
05a67e9 placeholder for scaling nomad app down to zero
4e94a2a Don't set a release until after changing the platform, and add some helpful output showing steps
08e1986 linter fix
41c7d2c Update internal/appconfig/config.go
dca8d56 migration: implement SetPlatformVersion mutation
2fcc941 migration: implement LockApp and UnlockApp mutations
5e0ebe6 New command: fly migrate-to-v2

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