github superfly/flyctl v0.0.451-pre-4

latest releases: v0.3.86, v2025.2.21-pr4238.2, v2025.2.21-pr4238.1...
pre-release2 years ago

52019b3 use shlex instead of shellwords; it is already a dep
2c837f4 fix bug with showing the statics prompt too often
8227903 use shellwords.Split() for processes too
6298cf6 use shellwords.Split() to get release_command in fly deploy
ade5f3a add --override-cmd, --clear-cmd, --clear-auto-destroy flags to fly m clone
c8f440b Fixes #1600. Provisions ips on first deploy
d002051 update fly deploy output for new machine to be consistent with updating machines
23a28b8 Fix #1599: running fly deploy when app has not been deployed uses same logic as fly launch for picking the v1 vs. v2 platform
90f4ca3 add support for auto destory and skip dns registration for fly machine run command
74bdd54 Pg config fixes (#1583)
d38187d fly launch works for machines!
4f41e0f use appConfig instead of definition in createRelease() mutation, plus pull in latest gql schema
bb9de65 fix app.Config tests
4a5ab74 fix validation for processes
8870708 fly launch will use machines when able
80720f7 fix bug in process validation
e61ae28 WIP: start work on fly launch for apps v2
6df7148 fix strategy set in app config, fix some processes related bugs, fix bug where env was getting copied from release_command to other machines
2d112bc auto destroy release_command, and skip dns for it
6b5d798 add [metrics] support, fixed checks with processes, and got rid of volume names for machines
a64b0d3 rename NetworkConfig to DNSConfig because these will be DNS settings
45897ff consider machines that are in "destroying" state inactive, and keep release_command machine after exit
a375056 Adding lifecycle post-deletion hook that will unregister PG member (#1587)
a8c3cb7 use auto_destroy for the field name as destroy is too vague
b607e92 Add exec command
78031f0 add field to support self destroying machines without DNS
57c2176 Add command timeout
9079f10 Flaps: add machine exec

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