github superfly/flyctl v0.0.304-pre-1

latest releases: v2024.11.25-pr4083.1, v0.3.41, v2024.11.25-pr4067.1...
pre-release2 years ago

9923708 try and fix buildpacks not ignoring files
e9f0f78 flyctl pg connect only for pg apps
386399b Reuse code to check for pg apps
f211d4e Deprecate the suspend command behind an error message, and hide resume while still allowing its use
449b347 Region before state
4b78da1 Change status to state for machines
e877749 Status support for machines
4007d31 fix: Change bool
a80cccc Run pg specific commands only on confirmed pg apps
eca3a4f nit: Move formatting logic into separate function
e3c5930 fix: Update formatting for output in checks list

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