github submariner-io/submariner-operator v0.4.0
Libreswan cable driver, Kubernetes multicluster service discovery

latest releases: v0.18.0, v0.14.8, v0.15.4...
4 years ago

This release is mainly focused on the libreswan Submariner cable driver implementation,
as well as standardizing the service discovery support in Lighthouse with the upstream kubernetes KEP [1].

  • The libreswan IPsec cable driver is available for testing. It’s been included on the testing matrix of the project.
  • Lighthouse has been modified per [1] as follows:
    • A ServiceExport object needs to be created alongside any Service that is intended to be exported to participant clusters
    • The supercluster services can now be accessed with ..svc.supercluster.local
  • Globanet overlapping CIDR support improvements and bug fixes
  • Multiple CI improvements implemented from shipyard
  • The testing matrix is now run via GitHub actions
  • The submariner-operator now completely handles the Lighthouse deployment via the ServiceDiscovery CRD.
  • subctl verify is now available for connectivity, service-discovery and gateway-failover.

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