github stripe/stripe-terminal-ios v1.0.0-rc2

latest releases: 3.7.0, 3.6.0, 3.5.0...
5 years ago


If you are using CocoaPods, update your Podfile:

pod 'StripeTerminal', '1.0.0-rc2'

Other changes

  • Adds SCPCardPresentDetails.generatedCard, which provides a reusable card PaymentMethod from a processed PaymentIntent. See for more details.

  • The ReadReusableCardParameters object passed to Terminal.readReusableCard() now includes a customer property which, if included, will attach the newly created PaymentMethod to the specified customer.

  • Terminal.readReusableCard() no longer prompts for ReaderInputOptionTapCard

  • Fixes a race condition caused by quickly canceling Terminal.collectPaymentMethod() or Terminal.readReusableCard(), which would lead to subsequent commands failing with SCPErrorBusy.

  • Removes SCPErrorCancelFailedReaderBusy. Starting with this release, the SDK now takes as long as it needs to ensure the command is canceled or completes (whichever happens first), instead of sometimes reporting that it was unable to cancel for certain hardware states and then continuing the command.

  • We will now attempt to automatically disconnect the card reader if a server request results in an SCPErrorSessionExpired error. The reader must be reconnected to start a new session. If our attempt at disconnecting the reader fails you may need to disconnect it yourself.

  • The Terminal.checkForUpdate completion block will now be passed nil and no error rather than being passed SCPErrorNoAvailableReaderSoftwareUpdate when there is no update present.

  • Terminal.collectPaymentMethod and Terminal.readReusableCard will now fail with SCPErrorCardLeftInReader when the reader still contains the credit card from a previous transaction. The same card can be used for more than one transaction, but it must be removed and re-inserted for each one. Previously, instead of failing immediately, the collectPaymentMethod/readReusableCard request would fail silently and users needed to cancel the request in order to proceed.

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