github stripe/stripe-terminal-ios v1.0.0-b6
v1.0 beta 6

latest releases: 3.7.0, 3.6.0, 3.5.0...
5 years ago

If you are using CocoaPods, update your Podfile:

pod 'StripeTerminal', '1.0.0-b6'

Singleton initializer

SCPTerminal is now a singleton, and you will need to update your integration.


let terminal = Terminal(configuration: terminalConfig,
                        tokenProvider: apiClient,
                        delegate: self)


// required
// optional – set a listener to incorporate SDK logs into your own logs
Terminal.setLogListener({ ... })
// optional – set a delegate to receive status updates from the SDK
Terminal.shared.delegate = self

If you rely on destroying and recreating SCPTerminal instances to clear state (for example, to switch between different Stripe accounts in your app), you should instead use the clearCachedCredentials method.

SCPTerminalConfiguration has also been removed, and the logLevel property that was previously on SCPTerminalConfiguration is now a property on SCPTerminal.


The terminal:didEmitLogline method on SCPTerminalDelegate has been removed, and replaced with a static setLogListener method on Terminal class.

Previously, this delegate method was always called on the main thread. Now, the block you provide may be called from any thread.

You can use this optional method to listen for logs from the Stripe Terminal SDK and incorporate them into your own remote logs. Note that these loglines are subject to change, and provided for informational and debugging purposes only. You should not depend on them for behavior in your app.

To print internal logs from the SDK to the console, you can set logLevel to .verbose on the Terminal instance.


The createKeyedSource method has been removed. If you were previously using this functionality, you will need to update your integration to use the Stripe iOS SDK to handle this flow.

updateReaderSoftware -> checkForReaderSoftwareUpdate

The updateReaderSoftware method has been renamed checkForReaderSoftwareUpdate, to make it clearer that this method only checks for any available reader software update. If an update is available, your delegate's readerSoftwareUpdateAvailable method will be called.

  • The UpdateReaderSoftwareParameters class has been removed. When you call checkForReaderSoftwareUpdate, you'll need to pass a ReaderSoftwareUpdateDelegate and a completion block.
  • SCPUpdateReaderSoftwareDelegate has been renamed SCPReaderSoftwareUpdateDelegate, for consistency with the SCPReaderSoftwareUpdate class.

Discovery & Connecting to Readers

This update adds some additional checks to the discovery & connect process. You will
receive errors for some common integration mistakes:

  • You must be actively discovering readers in order to connect to one. Calling
    SCPTerminal connectReader: after canceling the discoverReaders cancelable will now
    fail with SCPErrorMustBeDiscoveringToConnect
  • Calling SCPTerminal connectReader: with a Reader from a different discovery process
    will fail with SCPErrorCannotConnectToUndiscoveredReader.

We found & fixed a bug affecting reader discovery after a failed connect. The Terminal
is still discovering readers, but in previous beta releases it wasn't delivering updates
to the DiscoveryDelegate.

Reader Session reuse, and clearConnectionToken -> clearCachedCredentials

SCPTerminal now caches & re-uses the reader session when reconnecting to the same
reader. This speeds up reconnection and makes it less likely to fail in spotty network

Because of this, the public clearConnectionToken method that's necessary when changing
between testmode/livemode or between different accounts has been renamed for clarity.

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