github stripe/stripe-terminal-ios v1.0.0-b3
v1.0 beta 3

latest releases: 3.7.0, 3.6.0, 3.5.0...
5 years ago

Note that if you are using CocoaPods, the version format has changed slightly in this release. In your Podfile:

pod 'StripeTerminal', '1.0.0-b3'

Tap to discover

  • We've added a new discovery method, "Bluetooth Proximity", which you can use to discover a reader by holding it next to the iOS device. We think this will greatly improve the reader discovery experience – please try it out! If you have any feedback on the feature, please file an issue.
  • The initializer for DiscoveryConfiguration now requires specifying a deviceType.

Other changes

  • The batteryLevel property on Reader is now an optional NSNumber (boxing a float from [0.0, 1.0], as before). (h/t @jasonzurita)
  • ReadSourceParameters now has an optional metadata property, which you can use to attach key-value pairs to the source. (h/t @jasonzurita)
  • We've fixed a bug where collectPaymentMethod could not be canceled if a card from a previous payment was left in the reader. (h/t @sgruby-reformation)
  • ConfirmError now has an optional declineCode property. If the payment was declined, this property contains the decline_code from the Stripe API. (h/t @sgruby-reformation)
  • terminal.cancel has been renamed to terminal.cancelPaymentIntent in Swift, for clarity
  • didReport:info: has been renamed to didReportReaderEvent:info: in Swift, for clarity
  • Several error codes have been renamed:
    • ReaderError has been renamed UnknownReaderError
    • SDKError has been renamed UnexpectedSdkError
    • NetworkError has been renamed UnknownNetworkError

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