github streetwriters/notesnook 2.4.3-android
Notesnook Android v2.4.3

latest releases: 3.0.26-android, 3.0.25-android, 3.0.24-android...
23 months ago

🌟 Features & new stuff

  1. Full RTL support in editor — the editor now supports RTL languages everywhere and correctly aligns them.
  2. Revamed note-to-notebook linking — we have done away with the "Add to notebook(s)" dialog & replaced it with "Link notebook(s)". The difference is improved flow & UX making it much easier to add and move notes to notebooks. The new dialog keeps moving notes at the center of the UX (which is the most used feature).
  3. Redesign note properties sheet to be simple & handy
  4. CJK word counting — the word counter now accurately counts CJK characters instead of assuming its all just one word.
  5. Telemetry opt-in by default — no words needed for this except that this was highly requested & also essential for privacy. You can still turn on telemetry from settings if you'd like to help contribute.
  6. New & updated docs! — okay, this isn't related to the app itself but it needs mentioning. We have updated & revamped the docs (we now call it Notesnook Help). As a result, there's a lot more info on various new features we added & a lot of old/confusing things have been removed. Go check it out here.

What's changed

  1. Setting a new reminder on note will by default use Notes' title & description to auto-fill inputs
  2. Multi-line support for description input in add reminder sheet
  3. Removed publish/reminder button from editor header
  4. Selecting a link now opens the link popup automatically on mobile by @alihamuh in #1865
  5. Simplified multi-selection on mobile, now you can long-press at item directly go into multi-select mode

What's fixed

  • Fix unable to input recovery code on 2FA sheet

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