github strangerstudios/paid-memberships-pro v2.1-Beta1
v2.1 Beta1

latest releases: 3.4.3, 3.4.2, 3.4.1...
pre-release5 years ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not recommend using this release on production websites.

This is a pre-release beta meant for those would need to test PMPro 2.1 features, including the new Stripe integration with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), before release.

If you run into any issues, please check if there is an issue on GitHub here and/or open a new issue.

Work is being done on the Braintree, PayPal Website Payments Pro, and PayPal Payflow Pro integrations to support their SCA implementations. We expect these to be included in the full v2.1 release, but they are not yet functional in this beta.

We plan to release the fully tested v2.1 before September 14th to meet the SCA deadlines. The full release will likely include some other features and fixes we are working on.

= 2.1 =

  • FEATURE: Updated Stripe integration to support Stripe v3, Stripe Elements, and their Secure Customer Authorization process.
  • FEATURE: Updated how we store prices to support up to 8 decimals (e.g. for Bitcoin gateway implementations).
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved error messaging on the update billing page when a gateway doesn't support it or the user's current membership doesn't have a subscription.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmpro_is_checkout() function that will return true if on the PMPro checkout page or a page with the PMPro checkout shortcode or block.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Showing a warning message when a user about to be deleted has a membership so admins know that existing subscriptions will be deleted at the gateway.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmpro_braintree_plan_id filter in case you need to adjust plan IDs. This is useful if you have several sites running on the same Braintree account.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmpro_num_expiration_years filter to adjust the number of years to include in the dropdown to set the year membership will expire.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Tweaked the UI of the orders list in the dashboard.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Showing notices to admins when categories are hidden from them on the frontend of the site.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmpro_url filter to filter URLs returned from that function.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Adding a pmpro_checkout_gateway-stripe or pmpro_checkout_gateway-paypal/etc CSS class to the wrapping div for payment fields to aid in styling.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Using the site's date format option when printing orders.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: If a site has no paying levels, the test gateway will show as the "Default" gateway and we will no longer show a message about requiring gateway setup on the checkout page.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated Russian Ruble definition to have 0 decimals and use   as the thousands separator. (Thanks, Airat Halitov)
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Using add_query_arg when generating IPN URLs to avoid issues on sites that aren't using pretty permalinks or have moved their admin directory.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed issue on advanced settings page where clicking on labels didn't check the corresponding check boxes.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated our pmpro_generateUsername() function to be a bit smarter.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now using wp_generate_password() when choosing a random password for a user (e.g. when using the Sign Up Shortcode add on or the $skip_account_fields global).
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Setting autocomplete to false on the "fullname" honeypot field. This will prevent user's with certain autocomplete tools from accidentally filling it out.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue with setting custom trials on discount codes.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue in the SQL query in the pmpro_calculateInitialPaymentRevenue() function. This function is deprecated, but still used by some custom code.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where default templates would fail to load if a custom template was specified.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed fatal errors that could happen when using the PMPro REST API endpoints.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed bug where the invoices page would sometimes show data for the current (admin) users instead of the user the invoice was for.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed bug where the membership stats graphs would sometimes show up blank.
  • REFACTOR: Moved JavaScript out of pages/checkout.php and other places into files in the /js/ folder. This will avoid issues where other JS at checkout breaks PMPro checkout and will improve compatibility with tools that optimize JS.
  • REFACTOR: Added unit testing and a started on coverage of some functions in includes/functions.php. (Thanks, Mike Auteri)
  • REFACTOR: The JS function askfirst is now prefixed as pmpro_askfirst.

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