github stevengj/nlopt v2.8.0
NLopt 2.8.0

latest releases: v2.10.0, v2.9.1, v2.9.0...
6 months ago
  • Support C++ functors for objective functions (#457).

  • CCSA/MMA an now use the initial_step parameter to bound their initial stepsize,
    and also expose a new internal parameter rho_init (#561).

  • Install pkg-config file on Windows (#534).

  • Allow having more equality constraints than there are variables (#509).

  • Bugfixes to nlopt_algorithm_name (#558), Matlab NLOPT_GN_AGS (#533), forced stop for empty dimensions (#473), SLSQP (#465), and build improvements (#551, #535,#510, #445…).

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