github stevencohn/OneMore 4.14
Context menu sort commands, Display language

latest releases: 6.4.0, 6.3.1, 6.3.0...
2 years ago

Feature Changes

  • Added new option to Sort dialog to sort child pages of the currently selected page, per #388
  • Added new sort commands to page, page area, section, notebook, and notebook area context menus
  • Added new setting to choose display language in OneMore menus and dialogs, per #384
  • Moved the Strike Through Completed ToDo Tags command to the Reminders menu
  • Fixed an issue when cropping an image of a page printed from a PDF document, per #377
  • Fixed an issue where the icon was not displayed next to OneMore menu items pinned to the ribbon, per #380
  • Fixed an issue where footenote references were not inserted correctly for RTL languages, per #354
  • Fixed an issue where the Export command was disabled on the Page context menu

Internal Changes

  • Updated the build.ps1 script to default to 64bit, added the -both parameter
  • Fixed an issue with the Check for Updates command where it was not finding the last install date
  • Changed VS project references to use primary interop assemblies, PIAs, from the Program Files folder instead of the GAC. This includes the following references, with Embed Interop Types property set to false
    • Microsoft.Office.Core (Office.dll)
    • Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote
    • Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
    • Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint
    • Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word

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