github stern/stern v1.30.0

one month ago


⚡ Notable Changes

Add support for configuring colors for pods and containers

You can now configure highlight colors for pods and containers in the config file using a comma-separated list of SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) sequences. See the "Customize highlight colors" section for details.

Example configuration:

# Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White
pod-colors: "32,33,34,35,36,37"

# Colors with underline (4)
# If empty, the pod colors will be used as container colors
container-colors: "32;4,33;4,34;4,35;4,36;4,37;4"


Display different colors for different containers

A new --diff-container flag allows displaying different colors for different containers. This is useful when you want to debug logs for multiple containers in the same pod.

You can also enable this feature in the config file.

diff-container: true



  • Add support to configure colors for pods and containers (#306) f4b2edc (Takashi Kusumi)
  • Display different colors for different containers (#305) d1b5d74 (Se7en)
  • Support an array value in the config file (#303) 6afabde (Takashi Kusumi)

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