github stellar/go horizon-v1.10.0
Horizon 1.10.0

After upgrading Horizon will rebuild its state. During this process (which can take several minutes) it will not ingest new ledgers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a fresh instance of Horizon to be unable to sync with testnet (Protocol 14) correctly. (#3100)
  • Add Golang- and process-related metrics. (#3103)
  • New network_passphrase field in History Archives (added in Stellar-Core 14.1.0) is now checked. Horizon will return error if incorrect archive is used. (#3082)
  • Fixed a bug that caused some errors to be logged with info level instead of error level. (#3094)
  • Fixed a bug in /claimable_balances that returned 500 error instead of 400 for some requests. (#3088)
  • Print a friendly message when Horizon does not support the current Stellar protocol version. (#3093)

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