github status-im/nimbus-eth2 v22.4.0

latest releases: nightly, v24.5.1, v24.5.0...
2 years ago


Nimbus v22.4.0 is a low-urgency upgrade which contains numerous fixes, optimisations, and a better user experience around trusted node sync. It lays the foundations for upcoming the merge hard-fork which will be fully supported in our next release (v22.5.0).


  • All CPU cores are now used by default: this was previously enabled by passing --num-threads:0 on the command-line

  • 250 MB reduction in memory usage: thanks to more efficient data structures for the finalized portion of the chain history

  • Higher performance historic queries (using REST API) after trusted node sync: Nimbus now re-indexes the backfilled chain of blocks

  • Broadcasted attestations are more likely to be included in blocks by other nodes: thanks to a tweak to the attestation sending time

  • The REST API now only returns current and relevant information in response to VC queries: in other words, information from the recent non-finalized portion of the chain history

  • Better and more consistent gossip mesh health: the --max-peers option now works as a target that can be exceeded by the client temporarily in order to maintain good gossip mesh health; the newly introduced --hard-max-peers option now acts as the hard limit that should not be exceeded (default set to max-peers * 1.5)

  • An ERA files developer preview: ERA files are an ultra-efficient long-term storage format for finalized chain history


  • Nimbus no longer crashes when a HTTP URL is specified as a --web3-url end-point:

  • The REST end-point /eth/v1/beacon/headers is now able to return backfilled blocks:

  • The Nimbus status bar has been disabled on Windows in order to avoid sporadic hangs in certain terminal emulators:

  • A large start-up delay after backfilling:

  • A rare problem which prevented the node from starting successfully after a trusted node sync:

  • Confusing error messages when Nimbus lacks the necessary file system permissions to create its database:


  • The support for the Pyrmont testnet has been removed in order to reduce the Nimbus binary size:

Urgency guidelines

low-urgency: update at your own convenience, sometime within our normal update cycle of two weeks

medium-urgency: may contain an important stability fix, it is better to update sooner rather than later

high-urgency: update as soon as you can, this is a critical update required for Nimbus to function correctly


Scroll to the bottom of this release and click on the tar.gz which corresponds to your OS and architecture: unpack the archive, read the README and run the binary directly (or through one of our provided wrapper scripts).

We've designed the build process to be reproducible. In practice, this means that anyone can verify that these exact binaries were produced from the corresponding source code commits. For more about the philosophy and importance of this feature see

For instructions on how to reproduce the build, see the included "" file. See pre-built binaries documentation for more.

SHA512 checksums

# Linux AMD64
d5d4a8e7cf67b139b1472f45461cbc701bdfcae8735f47dd9927dd30d7d64e30ddcda0ac8ca30fb8cea25ba53df46fd9d2a52113b53f581aa76a7ede7dac34d4  nimbus_beacon_node
# Linux ARM64
836a68399674c5d2f42f26b2377bb5f259563c1e8eb15caadd9f068cc0ec8d2890e2339f00ff2e1004508b1e5992853005c5965f7089d6d92a7c6fb4edeaccb1  nimbus_beacon_node
# Linux ARM
6a9ca00473aeb9055ce3027279d57d09b6c032ec9b0300f0abd6052857fc744cdd759b2b6c136c6aa491aa532f009c79d128ac1257ed3ad3f97cfa477a20e057  nimbus_beacon_node
# Windows AMD64
2d0a9c306447869cd852566969da80b1dec9b337f55caea7f7942a0f5bdb2fbe19b3ceec3cc092b5f831559082030e5e8f8547546380a92fdf1d104037e48ad9  nimbus_beacon_node.exe
# macOS AMD64
7ca1b99931c4528f08c9f92919fa096f49c883b19154d77472789045720b75c718d1d5e598b3582085cf290fff9823152158db8400ec33ad3d26c60ebaf4f7f1  nimbus_beacon_node
# macOS ARM64
56a07350470379ced7eda0b6dcabb821f5112b419325042809b76d776d57a9cf8a81ce3bd4506d6541a52c2e2806ff2ccde41e95ea5d5606bdc6cf59cdf5d80b  nimbus_beacon_node

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