github status-im/nimbus-eth2 v1.5.5

latest releases: nightly, v24.5.1, v24.5.0...
2 years ago


Nimbus v1.5.5 is a medium-urgency bugfix release which contains a number of significant optimisations; of particular note is a 6x speed-up in epoch processing and 2x speed up in Altair block processing.

In addition, v1.5.5 adds support for the web3signer protocol (currently in BETA). This allows staking pools and other providers with an advanced key handling strategy to use Nimbus.

We've fixed:

  • The potential for missed block proposals when a third-party validator client (with at least one imported validator) was used with a Nimbus beacon node (with no imported validators): this happened because the --web3-url parameter was mistakenly ignored when running without an in-beacon-node validator
  • A rare condition in which the REST service became unavailable
  • Inappropriate error messages produced by the REST API: when a validator client published the same attestations or sync committee messages through multiple beacon nodes.


  • 6x speed-up in epoch processing: #3089
  • 2x speed up in Altair block processing: #3115
  • A 12% (minimum) reduction in the outgoing GossipSub traffic: #3112
  • Across the board performance improvements in the REST API: #3092
  • The REST API can now report sync committee information for the next sync period: #3133
  • Added support for the web3signer protocol (beta release): #3077

Urgency guidelines

low-urgency: update at your own convenience, sometime within our normal update cycle of two weeks

medium-urgency: may contain an important stability fix, it is better to update sooner rather than later

high-urgency: update as soon as you can, this is a critical update required for Nimbus to function correctly


Scroll to the bottom of this release and click on the tar.gz which corresponds to your OS and architecture: unpack the archive, read the README and run the binary directly (or through one of our provided wrapper scripts).

We've designed the build process to be reproducible. In practice, this means that anyone can verify that these exact binaries were produced from the corresponding source code commits. For more about the philosophy and importance of this feature see

For instructions on how to reproduce the build, see the included "" file. See pre-built binaries documentation for more.

SHA512 checksums

# Linux AMD64
69f28f514ea8694d954b845ff71fddd85c533b988dd67eda44ad39e8005e3ee87f50f8ef3f8ad9df1ba4c5fcff6ff59d34016b30f84f8c71e88da5c2509f4654  nimbus_beacon_node
# Linux ARM64
80d3d4f6531625751f0e0c0d0ad55d923533316df4b72e4764d1b0ee68f71af64e219bc3faa4a793055caf067b52723171d3cfd6e6088ae054a5dc57ae3d137e  nimbus_beacon_node
# Linux ARM
0c6129a909180e73640f408396d3601057c9b3f5391eca4dc082f7fed687a66ef623939b5d2ff249cbdf39d5c6c3ba2682cb43b43665a62a3a0991075e9bba07  nimbus_beacon_node
# Windows AMD64
0fc234f95cdb0e72baeb1d550333eadb4b87e421e25c38e422709d8ca7a8ca2ca49e67567d93ea2c9803dbbad8ed81fd52df63ce28a946781f798bec95c4b3a5  nimbus_beacon_node
# macOS AMD64
8893dead29b03c4c5f5254c85daf3d3cc5a19d9c77177df73c2bcd06f5c3e307ce73288b6eaa14fe9647369c3a80ddb30ba29d943ce5107e4f4bb15c93fe77c0  nimbus_beacon_node
# macOS ARM64
b51bd5aa2d783661c76230a6cc1830548caee86b9439300d52ecb9d14ecb4ad78f353357c9560e7dd6354fd339f3cc98fe92e03a84c485520ed8a9764605c149  nimbus_beacon_node

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