github statelyai/xstate xstate@4.28.1

latest releases: @xstate/store@0.0.5, @xstate/graph@2.0.0, @xstate/store@0.0.4...
2 years ago

Patch Changes

  • #2943 e9f3f07a1 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an infinite loop when initially spawned actor (in an initial context) responded synchronously to its parent.

  • #2953 90fa97008 Thanks @Andarist! - Bring back the global type declaration for the Symbol.observable to fix consuming projects that do not use skipLibCheck.

  • #2903 b6dde9075 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an issue with exit actions being called in random order when stopping a machine. They should always be called in the reversed document order (the ones defined on children should be called before the ones defined on ancestors and the ones defined on states appearing later in the code should be called before the ones defined on their sibling states).

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