github statelyai/xstate xstate@4.16.0

3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • d2e328f8 #1439 Thanks @davidkpiano! - An opt-in createModel() helper has been introduced to make it easier to work with typed context and events.

    • createModel(initialContext) creates a model object
    • model.initialContext returns the initialContext
    • model.assign(assigner, event?) creates an assign action that is properly scoped to the event in TypeScript

    See #1439 for more details.

    import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
    import { createModel } from 'xstate/lib/model'; // opt-in, not part of main build
    interface UserContext {
      name: string;
      age: number;
    type UserEvents =
      | { type: 'updateName'; value: string }
      | { type: 'updateAge'; value: number }
    const userModel = createModel<UserContext, UserEvents>({
      name: 'David',
      age: 30
    const assignName = userModel.assign({
      name: (_, e) => e.value // correctly typed to `string`
    }, 'updateName'); // restrict to 'updateName' event
    const machine = createMachine<UserContext, UserEvents>({
      context: userModel.context,
      initial: 'active',
      states: {
        active: {
          on: {
            updateName: {
              actions: assignName

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