github statelyai/xstate xstate@4.12.0

latest releases: @xstate/solid@0.2.3, @xstate/svelte@3.0.5, @xstate/vue@3.1.4...
4 years ago


Minor Changes

  • b72e29dd #1354 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The Action type was simplified, and as a result, you should see better TypeScript performance.
  • 4dbabfe7 #1320 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The invoke.src property now accepts an object that describes the invoke source with its type and other related metadata. This can be read from the services option in the meta.src argument:

    const machine = createMachine(
        initial: 'searching',
        states: {
          searching: {
            invoke: {
              src: {
                type: 'search',
                endpoint: ''
              // ...
            // ...
        services: {
          search: (context, event, { src }) => {
            // => { endpoint: '' }

    Specifying a string for invoke.src will continue to work the same; e.g., if src: 'search' was specified, this would be the same as src: { type: 'search' }.

  • 8662e543 #1317 Thanks @Andarist! - All TTypestate type parameters default to { value: any; context: TContext } now and the parametrized type is passed correctly between various types which results in more accurate types involving typestates.

Patch Changes

  • 3ab3f25e #1285 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an issue with initial state of invoked machines being read without custom data passed to them which could lead to a crash when evaluating transient transitions for the initial state.
  • a7da1451 #1290 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The "Attempted to spawn an Actor [...] outside of a service. This will have no effect." warnings are now silenced for "lazily spawned" actors, which are actors that aren't immediately active until the function that creates them are called:

    // ⚠️ "active" actor - will warn
    // 🕐 "lazy" actor - won't warn
    spawn(() => somePromise);
    // 🕐 machines are also "lazy" - won't warn

    It is recommended that all spawn(...)-ed actors are lazy, to avoid accidentally initializing them e.g., when reading machine.initialState or calculating otherwise pure transitions. In V5, this will be enforced.

  • c1f3d260 #1317 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed a type returned by a raise action - it's now RaiseAction<TEvent> | SendAction<TContext, AnyEventObject, TEvent> instead of RaiseAction<TEvent> | SendAction<TContext, TEvent, TEvent>. This makes it comaptible in a broader range of scenarios.
  • 8270d5a7 #1372 Thanks @christianchown! - Narrowed the ServiceConfig type definition to use a specific event type to prevent compilation errors on strictly-typed MachineOptions.
  • 01e3e2dc #1320 Thanks @davidkpiano! - The JSON definition for stateNode.invoke objects will no longer include the onDone and onError transitions, since those transitions are already merged into the transitions array. This solves the issue of reviving a serialized machine from JSON, where before, the onDone and onError transitions for invocations were wrongly duplicated.

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