github statelyai/xstate @xstate/store@3.4.0

latest release: @xstate/store@3.4.1
8 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #5221 4635d3d8d3debcfeef5cddd78613e32891c10eac Thanks @davidkpiano! - Added createAtom() for creating reactive atoms that can be combined with other atoms and stores:

    • Create simple atoms with initial values:

      import { createAtom } from '@xstate/store';
      const countAtom = createAtom(0);
      countAtom.get(); // 0
      countAtom.set(1); // or use setter function: (prev) => prev + 1
    • Subscribe to atom changes:

      countAtom.subscribe((value) => console.log(value));
    • Combine multiple atoms:

      const nameAtom = createAtom('hello');
      const countAtom = createAtom(3);
      const combinedAtom = createAtom((read) =>
      combinedAtom.get(); // "hellohellohello"
    • Seamlessly combine atoms with stores:

      const countAtom = createAtom(0);
      const nameStore = createStore({
        context: { name: 'David' }
        // ... store config
      const combinedAtom = createAtom(
        (read) => read(nameStore) + ` ${read(countAtom)}`
      combinedAtom.get(); // "David 0"

    Atoms automatically update when their dependencies change, making it easy to create derived state from both atoms and stores.

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