github statelyai/xstate @xstate/graph@1.3.0

3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 111a7d13 #1663 Thanks @davidkpiano! - Options passed into graph functions (e.g., getShortestPaths(machine, options)) can now resolve .events based on the state:

    const countMachine = createMachine({
      initial: 'active',
      context: {
        count: 0
      states: {
        active: {
          on: {
            ADD: {
              actions: assign({
                count: (context, event) => {
                  return context.count + event.value;
    const shortestPaths = getShortestPaths(countMachine, {
      events: {
        ADD: state => {
          // contrived example: if `context.count` is >= 10, increment by 10
          return state.context.count >= 10
            ? [{ type: 'ADD', value: 10 }]
            : [{ type: 'ADD', value: 1 }];
    // The keys to the shortest paths will look like:
    // "active" | { count: 0 }
    // "active" | { count: 1 }
    // "active" | { count: 2 }
    // ...
    // "active" | { count: 10 }
    // "active" | { count: 20 }
    // "active" | { count: 30 }

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