What's new
- Ability to set settings on Algolia indexes. #8830 by @godismyjudge95
- Ability to customize Bard/Replicator set icons directory. #8931 by @jesseleite
What's improved
- Improve Bard invalid content error reporting. #8580 by @jacksleight
- Dutch translations. #8993 by @jeroenpeters1986
What's fixed
- Fix nocache tag error when using the regex antlers parser. #9009 by @jasonvarga
- Fix error when using Eloquent users but you still have user files. #9006 by @duncanmcclean
- Fix missing cursor when editing inline code in Bard. #9002 by @o1y
- Fix modified revision values not being shown on save. #8961 by @ryanmitchell
- Check if user roles and groups exist before creating. #8998 by @ryanmitchell
- Check if navigation exists before creating. #8995 by @ryanmitchell
- Check if global exists before creating. #8996 by @ryanmitchell
- Check if fieldset exists before creating. #8994 by @ryanmitchell
- Show error when there is a duplicate taxonomy blueprint name. #8997 by @ryanmitchell
- Prevent concurrent requests to the Outpost. #9000 by @duncanmcclean
- Resolve dynamically declared properties. #8999 by @martinoak