What's new
- The searchable item is now passed into search transformers. #7305 by @okaufmann
- You are now required to enter your existing password in order to change it, in the CP. #7287 by @jasonvarga
What's improved
- Danish translations. #7314 by @rabol
- French translations. #7275 by @ebeauchamps
- Switch operator parsing in Antlers. #7283 by @JohnathonKoster
What's fixed
- Fix asset search in nested subdirectories. #7313 by @edalzell
- Sanitize form tokens. #7309 by @jackmcdade
- Rename filename label to path in the Asset editor. #7303 by @jasonvarga
- Fix YAML facade casing. #7298 by @beatwiz
- Add property to translator to prevent deprecation message. #7289 by @jasonvarga