github statamic/cms v3.0.32

latest releases: v5.12.0, v5.11.0, v5.10.0...
3 years ago

What's new

What's improved

  • Added hidden to the text fieldtype's input_type dropdown. #2952
  • Improved visual spacing when adding Replicator blocks. #2955
  • Updated French translations. #2870

What's fixed

  • Reverted the highlight.js and tiptap-extensions upgrades from 3.0.31. Fixes a Prosemirror error. #2919
  • Fix users not being able to change their own passwords. 6fec3bace
  • Fix users not being able to reset their passwords when using Eloquent. #2795
  • Fix an unnecessary alert after saving a term. #2930
  • Prevent the statamic:install command trying to creating .gitkeep files at the wrong place. #2939

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