github stan-dev/stan v2.35.0
v2.35.0 (3 June 2024)

25 days ago
  • The algorithms no longer catch std::exception unconditionally. The Math library uses std::domain_error for recoverable errors, and these are the ones which are caught. (#3259)
  • Allow laplace sampling without evaluating log_prob for each draw. (#3261)
  • Allow laplace sampling to save the Hessian as a diagnostic output. (#3261)
  • Stan's RNG usages now uses a type definition stan::rng_t rather than hard coding a specific Boost RNG. (#3263)
  • Switched the pRNG used by default in the services and tests to be boost::mixmax. Note that this means seeds from previous versions will lead to different numerical results in this version. (#3264)
  • Add a new ranked R-hat diagnostic from Vehtari. (#3266)
  • Fixed an issue where Pathfinder would sometimes return more draws than requested. (#3279)




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