github stalwartlabs/mail-server v0.7.3

latest releases: v0.8.4, v0.8.3, v0.8.2...
2 months ago

[0.7.3] - 2024-05-01

To upgrade replace the stalwart-mail binary and then upgrade to the latest web-admin version.


  • Full database export and import functionality
  • Add --help and --version command line arguments (#365)
  • Allow catch-all addresses when validating must match sender


  • Add groupOfUniqueNames to the list of LDAP object classes


  • Trim spaces in DNS-01 ACME secrets (#382)
  • Allow only one journald tracer (#375)
  • authenticated_as variable not usable for must-match-sender (#372)
  • Fixed BOGUS_ENCRYPTED_AND_TEXT spam filter rule
  • Fixed parsing of IPv6 DNS server addresses

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