github stagemonitor/stagemonitor 0.19.0
Release 0.19.0

latest releases: 0.89.1, 0.88.10, 0.89.0...
8 years ago

I'm excited to announce one of the biggest releases of stagemonitor. It includes over 120 commits (with a increasing number contributed from the community) and helps you to get started with stagemonitor way faster! But that also means that there are a number of breaking changes.


  • Support for Elasticsearch as a time series database (TSDB) (see the Elasticsearch and the updated installation wiki page). This is now the primary and recommended TSDB for stagemonitor, deprecating graphite.
    • Stagemonitor provides Kibana 4 and Grafana 3 dashboards for elasticsearch
  • Support for InfluxDB as a time series database (no prebuilt dashboards)
  • Changed how exceptions on requests are found (see #116 thx @ryanrupp)
  • You can now add custom properties to the request trace. For example you could track the number of results of a search and create a Kibana dashboard for that. Make sure to refresh the index metadata in Kibana so that you can see the new properties in the visualization composer. Code example:
final RequestTrace request = RequestMonitor.getRequest();
if (request != null) {
    request.addCustomProperty("search_hits", searchResult.getTotalResults());
  • Add ability to only report certain requests to Elasticsearch (see config key stagemonitor.requestmonitor.onlyReportRequestsWithNameToElasticsearch)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some issues in regard to thread safety (thx @marcust)
  • Proper population of the username in the request trace (see #116 thx @ryanrupp)
  • Fixed a thread leak (see #117 thx @ryanrupp)

Breaking changes

  • The layout of the metric names in graphite has changed. The dashboards have been updated accordingly but you won't be able to see you old values in it.
  • Removed RequestTrace.parameter: String in favour of RequestTrace.parameters: Map<String, String>. That way you can refer to a specific parameter in your custom dashboards.
  • Captured IP addresses (ipv4 and ipv6) are now anonymized by default for privacy. This can be changed via the parameter stagemonitor.anonymizeIPs
  • The default value of the config key stagemonitor.ehcache.get.timer has changed from true to false
  • The configuration key stagemonitor.requestmonitor.requestTraceTTL does not exist anymore. Use stagemonitor.requestmonitor.deleteRequestTracesAfterDays instead. The new mechanism deletes a whole index instead of single documents wich is much more performant.

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