github stacks-network/sbtc 0.0.9-rc7.1

one day ago

This release includes an important, though not urgent, bug fix. Please upgrade both your signer and blocklist-client at your earliest convenience.

Highlights • Images • Upgrade Instructions • What's Changed

✨ Highlights:

  • Fixes an issue with HTTPS in the blocklist client

🐳 Images:

⚠️ Always use immutable image tags - the image digests are provided below. Verify the attestation of these images using this guide.

We publish our images on Dockerhub.

sBTC Signer


  • 🏷️ blockstack/sbtc:signer-0.0.9-rc7.1
  • 🔒 4bbdcef796ec773220d8d4a5bb3e42ee8de5539cd000f5138a8db831e49768f7

Blocklist Client


  • 🏷️ blockstack/sbtc:blocklist-client-0.0.9-rc7.1
  • 🔒 a5791983eeeecb5ec7d4cb855ae12018718b2b6542ab78ebcd93fdcb0f5e2b8b

🛠️ Upgrade Instructions:

  1. Stop your sBTC signer and blocklist client.
  2. Update your sBTC signer and blocklist client image tags according to the above.
  3. Restart your sBTC signer and blocklist client.

📝 What's Changed

Other Changes

Full Changelog: 0.0.9-rc7...0.0.9-rc7.1

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