Release v0.0.2
🔄 Changes since v0.0.1
✨ Features
- add unit configuration to uno.config.ts
- added perplexity model
- Experimental Prompt Library Added
- start update by branch
🐛 Bug Fixes
- added more controlled rate for code streaming
- handle conflicts between input method engine and enter key
- LM Studio sending messgae
- adjust intro section margin and textarea outline style in BaseChat component
- commit-file-ignore
- lm studio fix
- start new chat icon
- removed context optimization temporarily, to be moved to optional from menu
♻️ Code Refactoring
- remove unused React import in ImportButtons component
- simplify GitCloneButton component by removing unused tooltip and streamlining button structure
🔍 Other Changes
What's Changed
- fix: auto select model on provider disabled by @thecodacus in #684
- doc: update by @dustinwloring1988 in #643
- Added some small UI enhancements to the Settings and Sidebar by @Stijnus in #676
- fix: commit file ignore by @dustinwloring1988 in #711
- fix: LM Studio sending message by @dustinwloring1988 in #709
- Fix/UI enhancements by @SujalXplores in #708
- Fix/start new chat icon by @SujalXplores in #710
- feat(context optimization): Optimize LLM Context Management and File Handling by @thecodacus in #578
- fix: removed context optimization temporarily, to be moved to optional by @thecodacus in #713
- added support for private github repo through github connections by @thecodacus in #670
- fix: Add Code Streaming Sampling for Performance Optimization by @thecodacus in #655
- fix: handle conflicts between input method engine and enter key by @Dlouxgit in #679
- add: Groq Llama 3.3 70B by @dustinwloring1988 in #712
- Add Screenshot Capture and Management Features to Chat and Workbench Components by @emcconnell in #582
- Update readme by @emcconnell in #722
- Add 90b llama-3.2 model for better performance by @bitsnaps in #567
- feat: added perplexity model by @meetpateltech in #715
- Feat: Basic file tree context menu by @kochrt in #602
- doc: README, FAQ, CONTRIBUTING branding updates by @dustinwloring1988 in #728
- ui-ux: Setting Modal Changes by @dustinwloring1988 in #725
- ui-ux: prompt enhanced toast notification by @dustinwloring1988 in #729
- ui-ux: Features Tab Changes by @dustinwloring1988 in #726
- ui: fallback icon for provider by @dustinwloring1988 in #739
- add: Perplexity Provider Icon by @dustinwloring1988 in #742
- doc: README formating by @dustinwloring1988 in #740
- doc: branding update by @dustinwloring1988 in #747
- ui-ux: debug tab by @dustinwloring1988 in #727
- add: a favicon.ico by @dustinwloring1988 in #754
- fix: warn Constants Failed by @dustinwloring1988 in #753
- fix: update vite.config.ts by @dustinwloring1988 in #751
- doc: update mkdocs.yml by @dustinwloring1988 in #750
- doc: mkdoc consistent style by @dustinwloring1988 in #756
- doc: new section heading by @dustinwloring1988 in #758
- Fix/clickable links docs by @dustinwloring1988 in #759
- add: default provider icon by @dustinwloring1988 in #761
- fix: added auto detect branch name and version tag by @thecodacus in #755
- feat: Show token usage by @thecodacus in #769
- (Work In Progress) Exploration of how to show token usage by @wonderwhy-er in #609
- fix: UI bug debug tab : System Information by @Stijnus in #760
- fix: Application fails to load on Safari by @thecodacus in #771
- Check the render method of SlotClone. #432 by @DiegoSouzaPW in #433
- chore: Commit workflow fix by @thecodacus in #772
- feat(experimental): Add Configurable System Prompts Feature by @thecodacus in #744
- chore: Workflow fix by @thecodacus in #773
- feat(url-prompt) added prompt url params by @thecodacus in #669
- feat:Added backdrop and loading screen in Git clone from Url by @thecodacus in #597
- ui: Fixed theming of Copy Code button by @D-Byte in #774
- feat: Improved GitHub connection by @dustinwloring1988 in #757
- release: Bugfix for stable by @thecodacus in #776
New Contributors
- @Stijnus made their first contribution in #676
- @Dlouxgit made their first contribution in #679
- @emcconnell made their first contribution in #582
- @bitsnaps made their first contribution in #567
- @meetpateltech made their first contribution in #715
- @DiegoSouzaPW made their first contribution in #433
- @D-Byte made their first contribution in #774
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2