github sschmid/Entitas 1.9.0
Entitas 1.9.0

latest releases: 1.14.1, 1.14.0, 1.13.0...
6 years ago


  • Optimize generated code #780
    • This increases entity and component creation performance
  • Optimize Visual Debugging performance #799
    • This increases the performance especially when having thousands of entities
  • Generate XML documentation #792
    • This will show documentation in the IDE
  • Using latest bee


  • Context ctor signature changed. Generate to fix compiler errors.
    If you don't use the Entitas.Roslyn plugins from the Unity Asset Store,
    you have to manually fix the affected generated context classes. E.g. Generated/Game/GameContext.cs,
    add () => new GameEntity() as a last argument
public sealed partial class GameContext : Entitas.Context<GameEntity> {

    public GameContext()
        : base(
            new Entitas.ContextInfo(
            (entity) =>

                new Entitas.UnsafeAERC(),
                new Entitas.SafeAERC(entity),
            () => new GameEntity() // <---------- update here
        ) {
  • Release retained entities when ReactiveSystem.Execute() has an exception #812
    • This fixes spamming the Unity console with error messages

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