github sschmid/Entitas 1.8.0
Entitas 1.8.0

latest releases: 1.14.1, 1.14.0, 1.13.0...
6 years ago

As always, the Unity Asset Store version might take a few days to be processed
and accepted by Unity. Please check for updates in 2 - 4 days here:!/content/87638


⚙️ Enabled [Event] for non components #743
⚠️ Renamed CustomComponentNameAttribute to ComponentNameAttribute


⚙️ Added more logs to gen command

Generating using /Users/sschmid/Dev/C#/Half-life3/
Generating done (13220 files in 4 seconds)

⚙️ Added group to ICommand to support grouped usage overview

Ignore jenny wiz
This feature accidentally made it into this release but it's far from done

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