github sqlfluff/sqlfluff 2.0.0a6
[2.0.0a6] - 2023-03-07

latest releases: 3.0.5, 3.0.4, 3.0.3...
pre-release13 months ago

NOTE: This is effectively a release candidate for testing purposes. There are several new features here, and breaking changes to configuration. We welcome testing feedback from the community, and the intent is that following this release there will be no more major breaking changes in the before the 2.0.0 release.


This is the sixth alpha release for 2.0.0, and effectively the first release candidate for 2.0.0. All the intended breaking changes for the upcoming release have now been made and only bugfixes and non breaking feature changes should happen between this release and the full release.

It contains:

  • A reorganisation of rules. All rules have been recoded, and can now be referred to by their name, code, alias or group. The legacy code for the rule is included as an alias for each rule to support some backward compatibility.
  • Configuration files (and inline configuration flags), should now use the name of the rule rather than the code. Any configuration files which reference using legacy rules (or reference unknown rules) should now display warnings.
  • Introduces the the sqlfluff format CLI command (a la sqlfmt or black) to auto-format sql files using a known set of fairly safe set of rules.
  • Databricks as a distinct new dialect (rather than as previously an alias for sparksql).

There are also numerous dialect improvements to ANSI, Athena, TSQL, Teradata, SQLite & MySQL.

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