github sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy rel_2_0_13

latest releases: rel_2_0_31, rel_2_0_30, rel_2_0_29...
13 months ago


Released: May 10, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue where ORM Annotated Declarative would not resolve forward
    references correctly in all cases; in particular, when using
    from __future__ import annotations in combination with Pydantic

    References: #9717

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue in new orm_queryguide_upsert_returning feature where the
    populate_existing execution option was not being propagated to the
    loading option, preventing existing attributes from being refreshed

    References: #9746

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed loader strategy pathing issues where eager loaders such as
    _orm.joinedload() / _orm.selectinload() would fail to traverse
    fully for many-levels deep following a load that had a
    _orm.with_polymorphic() or similar construct as an interim member.

    References: #9715

  • [orm] [bug] Fixed issue in _orm.mapped_column() construct where the correct
    warning for "column X named directly multiple times" would not be emitted
    when ORM mapped attributes referred to the same _schema.Column, if
    the _orm.mapped_column() construct were involved, raising an internal
    assertion instead.

    References: #9630


  • [sql] [usecase] Implemented the "cartesian product warning" for UPDATE and DELETE
    statements, those which include multiple tables that are not correlated
    together in some way.

    References: #9721

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed the base class for dialect-specific float/double types; Oracle
    _oracle.BINARY_DOUBLE now subclasses _sqltypes.Double,
    and internal types for _sqltypes.Float for asyncpg and pg8000 now
    correctly subclass _sqltypes.Float.

  • [sql] [bug] Fixed issue where _dml.update() construct that included multiple
    tables and no VALUES clause would raise with an internal error. Current
    behavior for _dml.Update with no values is to generate a SQL
    UPDATE statement with an empty "set" clause, so this has been made
    consistent for this specific sub-case.


  • [schema] [performance] Improved how table columns are added, avoiding unnecessary allocations,
    significantly speeding up the creation of many table, like when reflecting
    entire schemas.

    References: #9597


  • [typing] [bug] Fixed typing for the _orm.Session.get.with_for_update parameter
    of _orm.Session.get() and _orm.Session.refresh() (as well as
    corresponding methods on _asyncio.AsyncSession) to accept boolean
    True and all other argument forms accepted by the parameter at runtime.

    References: #9762

  • [typing] [sql] Added type :data:_sql.ColumnExpressionArgument as a public-facing type
    that indicates column-oriented arguments which are passed to SQLAlchemy
    constructs, such as _sql.Select.where(), _sql.and_() and
    others. This may be used to add typing to end-user functions which call
    these methods.

    Unknown interpreted text role "data".

    References: #9656


  • [asyncio] [usecase] Added a new helper mixin _asyncio.AsyncAttrs that seeks to improve
    the use of lazy-loader and other expired or deferred ORM attributes with
    asyncio, providing a simple attribute accessor that provides an await
    interface to any ORM attribute, whether or not it needs to emit SQL.

    References: #9731

  • [asyncio] [bug] Fixed issue in semi-private await_only() and await_fallback()
    concurrency functions where the given awaitable would remain un-awaited if
    the function threw a GreenletError, which could cause "was not awaited"
    warnings later on if the program continued. In this case, the given
    awaitable is now cancelled before the exception is thrown.


  • [postgresql] [bug] [regression] Fixed another regression due to the "insertmanyvalues" change in 2.0.10 as
    part of #9618, in a similar way as regression #9701, where
    LargeBinary datatypes also need additional casts on when using the
    asyncpg driver specifically in order to work with the new bulk INSERT

    References: #9739


  • [oracle] [reflection] Added reflection support in the Oracle dialect to expression based indexes
    and the ordering direction of index expressions.

    References: #9597


  • [bug] [ext] Fixed issue in _mutable.Mutable where event registration for ORM
    mapped attributes would be called repeatedly for mapped inheritance
    subclasses, leading to duplicate events being invoked in inheritance

    References: #9676

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