github sqlalchemy/alembic rel_1_8_1

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2 years ago


Released: July 13, 2022


  • [bug] [sqlite] Fixed bug where the SQLite implementation of
    Operations.rename_table() would render an explicit schema name for
    both the old and new table name, which while is the standard ALTER syntax,
    is not accepted by SQLite's syntax which doesn't support a rename across
    schemas. In particular, the syntax issue would prevent batch mode from
    working for SQLite databases that made use of attached databases (which are
    treated as "schemas" in SQLAlchemy).

    References: #1065

  • [bug] [batch] Added an error raise for the condition where
    Operations.batch_alter_table() is used in --sql mode, where the
    operation requires table reflection, as is the case when running against
    SQLite without giving it a fixed Table object. Previously the operation
    would fail with an internal error. To get a "move and copy" batch
    operation as a SQL script without connecting to a database,
    a Table object should be passed to the
    Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from parameter so that
    reflection may be skipped.

    References: #1021

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