Released: June 26, 2024
[usecase] [autogenerate] Improve computed column compare function to support multi-line expressions.
Pull request courtesy of Georg Wicke-Arndt.References: #1391
[bug] [commands] Fixed bug in alembic command stdout where long messages were not properly
wrapping at the terminal width. Pull request courtesy Saif Hakim.References: #1384
[bug] [execution] Fixed internal issue where Alembic would call
sending an empty tuple to indicate "no params". In SQLAlchemy 2.1 this
case will be deprecated as "empty sequence" is ambiguous as to its intent.References: #1394
[bug] [tests] Fixes to support pytest 8.1 for the test suite.
References: #1435
[bug] [autogenerate] [postgresql] Fixed the detection of serial column in autogenerate with tables
not under default schema on PostgreSQLReferences: #1479