github sql-formatter-org/sql-formatter v13.0.0

latest releases: v15.4.8, v15.4.7, v15.4.6...
15 months ago

Breaking changes

  • Reduced the keywords lists of MySQL, MariaDB and SingleStoreDB to just the reserved ones. #629
    This means that using keywordCase: upper no more capitalizes words like user and name.
  • Changed how COMMENT keyword is formatted. #636
    In dialects like MariaDB (which allow it inside CREATE TABLE statement) it is no more placed on a separate line.
    In dialects which support COMMENT ON ... statement, it only triggers a new line when used together with ON.


  • Fixed crash when encountering goto labels in Transact-SQL #632
  • Fix formatting of ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause in MariaDB-like dialects. #605
  • Fix formatting of VALUES() function in MariaDB-like dialects. #605

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