- #1664 - Add Schema properties support in method-level @requestbody
- #1181 - Initial OpenAPI 3.1 support
- #1651 - Ease group declaration through code or properties with actuators
- upgrade to spring-boot 2.7.0
- upgrade swagger-ui: 4.11.1
- upgrade classgraph: 4.8.147
- upgrade spring-native: 0.11.5
- upgrade spring-cloud-function: 3.2.4
- #1663 - @Schema annotation with type String and allowableValues set doesn't generate enum drop-down in swagger-ui after upgrading from 1.6.6 (when Spring custom converter is used)
- #1655 - OpenAPIService is using ObjectMapper without configured modules since SpringDoc 1.6.7.
- #1648 - Tags with only name provided are being added to the openAPI.tags field.
- #1641 - ConcurrentModificationException when querying /v3/api-docs/{group} concurrently for different groups
- #1634 - Generating doc for entities with map attribute does not work
- #1633 - GroupedOpenApi.builder addOpenApiCustomiser execution order is reversed
- #1630 - Remove repeated HttpSession
- #1659 - fix oauth redirection when used in spring-native