github spring-projects/sts4 4.29.0.RELEASE

one day ago

important highlights

  • (Spring Boot) Early access: inject bean completion proposal available in Spring components
  • (Spring Boot) Experimental Spring structural view in the outline (Work in Progress, available in VSCode only)

updates to the Spring Tools for Eclipse distribution

all fixes and improvements in detail

  • (Spring Boot) [structure view] add query methods as children to repository nodes #1491
  • (Spring Boot) [structural view] add on/off preference for structural outline #1490
  • (Spring Boot) bean completion proposal #1325
  • (Spring Boot) Inject a bean completion proposal #1196
  • (Spring Boot) do not create repository bean symbols for @NoRepositoryBean annotated types #1500
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] add on/off preference #1489
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] already having a field with the name of the bean causes weird results #1488
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] polish the proposal appearance in the completion list #1485
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] need to polish result when invoking autowire bean completion inside of constructor #1484
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] autowire bean proposals do not show up before statements #1483
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] shout not include own class in proposals #1476
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] proposals should show up for this. prefix #1470
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] proposals should show up for empty prefix #1469
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] assignment in constructor not generated #1497
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] completion proposals sometimes do not show up #1475
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] bean proposal filtering on language server side prevents proposals from showing up #1471
  • (Spring Boot) [bean completion proposals] beans of type Object results in no constructor param being generated #1468
  • (Spring Boot) [events] take event type attribute into account when indexing event listeners #1465
  • (Spring Boot) correctly deal with concatenated values in annotation attributes #1463
  • (Spring Boot) [events] take type hierarchy of events into account when finding references across event listeners and publishers #1461
  • (Spring Boot) JPQL syntax highlighting support with constant string concatenation #1460
  • (Spring Boot) Remove EnhancedSymbolInformation wrapper class from indexer codebase #1450
  • (Spring Boot) Navigational aid for Spring Events #1348
  • (Spring Boot VSCode) Wrong or undocumented proxy exclusions list #1495
  • (Spring Boot) index cache struggles to deserialize JSON due to duplicated usage of type #1473
  • (Spring Boot Eclipse) modern light theme switches back to dark theme when upgrading to 2025-03 #1467
  • (Spring Boot) Upgrade Spring Boot... UI does not show Spring Boot 3.4 upgrade #1466

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