github spring-projects/sts4 4.21.1.RELEASE

latest releases: 4.23.1.RELEASE, vscode-spring-boot-1.55.1-RC1, 4.23.0.RELEASE...
4 months ago

important highlights

  • (Spring Boot) Log Levels viewing and editing is available in VSCode for live running Boot apps if enabled on the the app via Spring Boot Actuators
  • (Spring Boot) Ability to show "Refactor Preview" in VSCode before applying the changes from OpenRewrite recipes

updates to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

  • early access builds available for Eclipse 2024-03 milestone builds

all fixes and improvements in detail

  • (Spring Boot) Log Levels View #1138
  • (Spring Boot) Evaluate AnnotatedTextEdit and ChangeAnnotation#needsConfirmation #1155
  • (Spring Boot) support for creating Spring XML config files #1163
  • (Spring Boot) [refactoring] reduce size of execute rewrite recipes messages #897
  • (Spring Boot) Opening Spring Boot project in VSCode leads to StackOverflowError #1166
  • (Spring Boot) upgrade command shows different recipes than quick fixes #1165
  • (Spring Boot) process shows up twice when changing log levels of running app #1164
  • (Spring Boot) The IDE compiler have a lot of wrong problem report, maven build is okay #1159
  • (Spring Boot) VS Code extension fails Spring Boot update #1142
  • (Spring Boot) Add Trusted Authoritites for STS #1092
  • (Eclipse) Duplicate "Source" menu on Eclipse #1111
  • (Spring Boot - Eclipse) quick fix to remove public modifier from @Bean method causes exception #1184
  • (Spring Boot - Eclipse) quick fix to convert @Autowired field into constructor param doesn't work #1183
  • (Concourse) [Concourse] set\_pipeline step considers team attribute invalid #1174
  • (All) update copyright and branding #1157

known issues

  • (Eclipse): It still seems to happen sometimes that resource files like the do not get copied correctly into the target folders after changing those files, sometimes those resource files disappear from the target folder entirely. We are investigating the problem and will provide updates and workaround on issue #929 or M2E issue #1511.

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