github spring-projects/sts4 4.17.0.RELEASE

latest releases: 4.28.0.RELEASE, vscode-spring-boot-1.60.0-RC2, vscode-spring-boot-1.60.0-RC1...
2 years ago

major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

fixes and improvements

  • (Spring Boot) fixed: Refreshing Live Data over HTTP is not working on VS Code (#872)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: gcPauses -> jvm.gc.pause, memory -> jvm.memory.used (#875)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: live information hovers are broken when running Spring Boot 3 application (#862)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: fetch heap & nonHeap memory metrics together (#874)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: 404 when getting live metrics over HTTP (#879)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] Spring Boot support range validation messages appear and disappear again (#887)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] check for superfluous @repository annotations on standard Spring Data repositories (#898)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] prepare version validation for 4.17.0 release (#904)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] changing the preferences while language server is not around doesn't have any effect (#836)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] convert autowired field to constructor should not run on test classes (#902)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] add preferences to boot version and generation validations (#884)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [validation] add validations for new Spring Boot versions in general (#885)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] convert autowired field to constructor should make field final (#896)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] [validation] final polishing work (#911)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] convert project to Spring Boot 3 doesn't update Java to 17 anymore (#909)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] when converting a project to Spring Boot 3, always use the latest 3.0.x version (#869)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space (#899)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] Exception when trying to convert project (#900)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] converting a simple rest service guide to Spring Boot 3 fails (#867)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] open rewrite refactoring menu item is broken when no language server is running (#865)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] enhance Spring Boot version validation with quick fix to update (#886)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] converting petclinic to Spring Boot 3 results in broken project (#864)
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: [refactoring] Migrate Boot 2 auto-config to Boot (#908)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: update signing certificate for pre-built third-party bubdles (#852)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: remove dependencies on yedit (#870)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Upgrade commons-text-1.9.jar (#892)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: Add checksums at download page (#906)
  • (Eclipse) fixed: NPE in Eclipse TextMate Grammar preference page (#912)
  • (VSCode) fixed: make sure VSCode shows an error message when running on a JDK <17 (#903)
  • (VSCode) enhancement: Add shortcut to dashboard (#876) - contributed by Eskibear)
  • (VSCode) enhancement: refine walkthrough steps (#907) - contributed by Eskibear)
  • (VSCode) enhancement: update walkthrough about creating projects (#916) - contributed by Eskibear)
  • (Concourse) fixed: vscode-concourse: add dark background to light mode icon (#845) - contributed by bmalehorn
  • (Concourse) fixed: Concourse extension doesn't know about "pre_without_version" and "build_without_version" for a semver resource (#849)

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